13 Mart 2020 Cuma

We printed our book markers and distributed them to our students ,teachers and school principal

7 Mart 2020 Cumartesi

Our Students Researched Samsun Vegetation And Prepared e-Books

Our Students Researched Samsun Vegetation And Prepared e-Books

  1. We cooked traditional dishes of sinop at home and ate them at seaside alla together with my students and their parents 

We cooked traditional dishes of sinop with my students and precious parents of them

Our Students Have Prepared An e-book On Climate Change

Our Students Have Prepared An e-book On Climate Change

Book sign design prepared by our students

Book sign design prepared by our students

6 Mart 2020 Cuma

We designed bookmarkers for our project Children Of The Same Sea. 

 Bahri Alp Secondary School

2 Mart 2020 Pazartesi

We visited the zero waste system in our city. The environmental engineer informed us about the project